Fran Cannon Slayton - The Wild Ride To Publication (Children's Book Version!): Virginia Festival of the Book Panel - Audio Version!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Virginia Festival of the Book Panel - Audio Version!

Well, I have my 15 minutes of fame! I spoke on a panel at the Virginia Festival of the Book last month, and the discussion was captured on audiotape and is now available on the Virginia Festival of the Book's website: ! (It's under the "Listen To Events" section of the website).

The topic of the panel was "Opening the Vein: Pouring Life into Writing," and I am the first speaker after the initial introduction.

I think I have a little practicing to do for any Oscar acceptance speeches that might be in my future, but overall I'm pretty happy with how things went. Although I do have to say that having my words memorialized online for anyone to hear is, well . . . weird.

Anyway, if anyone wants to take the time to listen, I'd love to hear what you think!!


Ghost Girl (aka, Mary Ann) said...

Bummer--I'm on the road and my wi-fi connection sucks, so I can't hear the whole thing! Snap! I'll have to listen when I get home on Sunday, or maybe tomorrow's Inn will have a better connection (I'm checking out new locations for our retreat next year--the accidental tourist!)

Ghost Girl (aka, Mary Ann) said...

Yay! I finally got to hear your talk, Fran. I'm home from the mountains, now, and within reach of some decent Wi-Fi action. I love the quotation from The Little Prince--perfect! That is essentially how I live life, I think.

What a great event. I'll call you soon--I hope with some good news!

Fran Cannon Slayton said...

Thanks, Ghost Girl! Can't wait to hear!!! Fran